This spring has been absolutely marvelous! I don't know if I was too busy in springs past to notice every little budding tree, how the grass is all of a sudden green, or even to actually enjoy rainy days. This spring I have taken things a little slower, I have much less on my plate regarding work and social gatherings, and I am so grateful for this slowness because it has made me appreciate my life so much more. When I was a teacher I was constantly busy with grading artwork, filling out nonsense paperwork, going to ball games, driving two hours a day, and then complaining about how awful most my days were. I'm not entirely sure that most my days were as awful as I made them out to be but I can say I am much happier with a job without extra obligations or an emotional toll. Perhaps this is what has made me appreciate the spring of 2015 more, or the fact that we own our home now and can plant all the plants. Matt planted a pink Dogwood in the front yard and I couldn't be happier about it. We have plans for peonies from his parent's too, the same peonies we used at our wedding so that will be extra special. I planted some bleeding hearts and white caladium in the back yard but nothing has popped up yet which worries me.

The yellow crocus were the first to pop up this year!
The hyacinth were looking extra raggedy this year and have already passed until next.
These little purple crocus were not in our yard last year, or they didn't bloom, I'm sure glad they did this year!
Our neighbor's house has been vacant for several months because it is not fit to live in. This is so sad because most the houses on our street our decent. Anyway, they left tons of trash, carpet, even a rotting cabinet in their yard. I took to it and threw everything on the front porch so it wasn't in my sight, I destroyed the rotting cabinet and threw it over the fence to find a little snake hiding underneath. It was not very nice.
We have wild violets all over our yard, I love them so. Who needs grass?
This is what a single, or two, hyacinth bloom looks like. So tropical like!
I've been on a milk glass craze, I think I have enough now.
Springtime sunsets can't be beat, especially while enjoying Andy's.
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