
Holy Day

This is the card I illustrated and mailed to friends and family for christmas. I apologize for the blurry photo!
And this is the lovely poem Matt wrote on the back:

This year instead of giving gifts let's celebrate for free 
with something more impressive than any Christmas tree
Don't need bows or ribbon
Don't even need a box
Don't need something from a store
Don't need gloves or socks
Don't need snow
Don't need ice
Don't need lights (though lights are nice)
Don't need cookies
Don't need elves-or anything from merchant's shelves
Don't need whiskey
Don't need toys
Don't need spoiled girls or boys
Don't need stockings filled with treats, or cavities from eating sweats
What we need most of all is something we don't lack
Imagine good old Santa Clause could reach into his sack-
And pull us out some Brotherhood, loving Kindness too, 
Courage, Hope, and Peacefulness (which all belong to you)
Joy you have already
Though you may not know
These are things to celebrate
Remember that what money buys will always turn to dust
Even brand new shiny cars eventually rust
Look to other human beings for
"Nothing gold can stay"
Love each other deeply
Happy Holy Day

Even though I 'm excited to wrap my handmade gifts in a box with bows and ribbons, to decorate my tree and house with twinkling lights, and to host my first cookie swap with whiskey cocktails, this man sure does keep me grounded.
This poem and illustration are of personal property and should not be used without permission of the owners.

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