

The radiator in our bedroom no longer works. With the temperatures in the twenties the last couple of days, the nights have been unbearable. Matt moved our bed into his man cave and his belongings into the bedroom. Since our house is tiny all that fits in the new bedroom is the bed, a side table (and room for another if we had one), and his clothes in the closet. The closet isn't even big enough fit my small (for a girl) collection of clothes! Anyway, it looks ridiculous, but we will have to do.

We've lived in the same house for the past 2 years and yet I haven't really nested and I am dying to even knowing we'll be moving in a year. I am very attracted to clean uncluttered spaces but in the same thought gallery walls and piles on bookshelves, of books that is, are also very appealing. I think Matt would prefer that we have nothing unnecessary...but this will not happen.

I thought I would post some photos I have found around the web for the next few days with inspiration for each room in my house, except for Matt's man cave. He would kill me if he knew I was calling it that!

In the bedroom:
I would love to paint my bed a metallic bronze,
stack books on my nightstand,
turn a ginger jar into a lamp,
have fresh flowers in a mason jar,
purchase polka dotted sheets,
make a striped and floral quilt in pale blue and white,
have a chair as a side table since we don't have two,
hang some light and airy sheers to hide the rental blinds,
and make a paper mache mount as a real one wouldn't make much sense in our household and drape a scarf around it.

Image via Oh Happy Day

Image via {Frolic!}

Photo by Jade McCully for Matchbook

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